/The West End has been home to many fine artists going back to the neighbourhood’s earliest days. Here are some remarkable names and works.
Read MoreThe West End has been home to many fine artists going back to the neighbourhood’s earliest days. Here are some remarkable names and works.
Read MoreJoy tells it like she sees it on the political front, and updates us on some fond farewells and worthy charity events.
Read MoreWork is about to begin on a longtime community garden at 1177 Burrard at Davie, the site of a longtime community garden. Here’s what we know.
Read MoreThirteen candidates vie for two seats on Vancouver City Council in April 5ths byelection. Here's your crib sheet.
Read MoreMole Hill, a block of carefully preserved old-stock houses, is a community within a community.
Read MoreHow are things going with plans for a new “community Hub” on Denman? Not very quickly.
Read MoreCatching up after our two-month hiatus, we haven't quite had time to round up all the March events for our monthly calendar. Follow The West End Journal on Facebook for our regular Friday post "The Week Ahead In Your West End" for weekly updates, and we'll announce the return of the March calendar shortly.
Read MoreEarthquake concerns, a sock & toque drive for the unhoused, and Spring Break is coming!
Read MoreCOBS Bread’s two West End outlets are locally owned and dedicated to baking the best and building community.
Read MoreLegal action by Stanley Park Preservation Society to stop the removal of trees in Stanley Park is unlikely to succeed in the short term.
Read MoreTenants of Park Beach Manor’s accusations of surveillance, harassment and abuse against their landlord appear headed for the courts.
Read MoreThe Firefighters’ Burn Fund are key to the success of the annual Bright Nights event in Stanley Park, and removal of diseased trees continues.
Read MoreThe West End Journal is the only media outlet exclusively serving Vancouver's West End community, residents, and businesses. We define our West End as extending west from Burrard Street, from shore to shore.
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