/Welcoming The West End Journal
West End Coal Harbour MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert
At last!
I'm so happy the West End will now have our own dedicated media outlet -- all West End, all the time.
Our community is made up of so many interesting and exciting people, with many fascinating stories to be told. With close to 50,000 residents, it's amazing we haven't had a one-stop shop exclusively dedicated to what's happing in our neighbourhood before.
Now we do! I can't wait to see everything from community history, to the latest political news, to just plain neighbourhood gossip.
Our community needs more places to connect with neighbours. The West End Journal can help fill that gap, and help us get to know each other better.
I've learned in my time as an MLA that you can't solve problems until you identify them, and that the best way to make things better is by working together.
Welcome to The West End Journal -- we've got much to work on together. Thank you for providing a place to build community, and getting the digital ball rolling.
Spencer Chandra Herbert, MLA
Vancouver City Councillor Adriane Carr
What welcome news --- award-winning journalist Kevin McKeown has finally launched The West End Journal-- a vitally needed media vehicle to keep our community informed, connected and engaged.
Kevin has been talking about his dream for this Journal for a long time. No one could be more capable or qualified to make it a success…and we’re all going to benefit!
For the West End to preserve its wonderful uniqueness and solve problems that inevitably arise in every neighbourhood, no matter how fabulous it is, residents need to be knowledgeable and active. Where will people get the info they need? There’s so much less investigative journalism, fewer reporters and less local news in regular media. Free publications, with a big focus on entertainment, don’t fill the gap. "What's happening" listings in media don’t include most neighbourhood events.
It’s my hope that The West End Journal will fill our need for real local news. I want good investigative stories, listings of all the local events, debates on hot local issues. I want to learn from The West End Journal: hear the beefs, aspirations and good ideas of West Enders. I want The West End Journal to be the finger on the pulse of this neighbourhood.
I trust Kevin to deliver.
Oh, by the way, when Kevin first asked me to contribute to the first issue, he asked what two issues were my top priority. They were, and still are, the lack of affordable housing and Federal and Provincial government's decision to support the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker expansion project. Of course there are many others that need our attention and activism…and I expect to read about them right here!
Now, however, is the time for congratulations and to get everyone subscribed and networked into The West End Journal. Well done, Kevin!
Adriane Carr
Vancouver City Councillor
Vancouver Centre MP Dr. Hedy Fry's office did not respond to requests for a contribution to this feature. We look forward to Dr. Fry sharing her thoughts on issues of West End importance in future editions of "Viewpoints".
The West End Journal welcomes comments in response to articles and opinion pieces. These will be moderated prior to publication, in the old-school tradition of letters to the editor.