/The jubilant Class of 2022. (Byron Barrett Photo)
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by Milan Streit
Five years of high school is an extremely memorable and joyful experience for most. But it does not last forever. On June 17, King George said goodbye to another shuffle of students, most being kids born in 2004. Some have been in the West End their entire lives, previously going to Lord Roberts and the Annex. Others are new to the community or the country, creating diverse school environments.
The graduation ceremony was a massive success with a great venue and planning of the event. The orchestra level seating of the Playhouse Theatre was almost completely full, and the balcony level was around half capacity. Many scholarships and bursaries were given away with some notable students, Edna Eguale, Max Astak and Aki Zvjerac, receiving more than six scholarships.
Dragon’s Pen writer rocking the BCLions Jersey
After the ceremony, the dinner dance/prom was hosted at the Pinnacle Hotel. It featured a photo booth, unlimited pop, a dance floor and assigned tables. The food was teriyaki chicken, rice, roasted beef and a salad bar, it was okay. I would not call myself Gordon Ramsey, but the meal was pretty bland coming from a hotel kitchen.
After dinner, the dance floor was happening, with many showing off some impressive moves in the dance circle.
On Prom Night (Milan Streit Photo)
It is finally time for me to move on in the world, being part of the class of 2022. I have mentioned previously that I am leaving the column with Henry MacDougal and he is a great fit for the job. It has been a pleasure doing this column for the past four years, and the writing about monthly issues also helped me with subjects in school like English and Social Studies. I am now planning to take a gap year and then head into the world of millwrighting at BCIT
I will still be a contributor for The West End Journal, focusing on the urban aspects of life in the West End.
by Henry MacDougal
In early June this year King George Secondary had its third ever King George Rocks show!
The event had been on hold the past two years because of Covid, but it’s back now. The show featured performances from many King George musicians, and it was a wonderful experience for performers and spectators alike. The show was over two hours long and roughly 500 tickets were sold. The line to get in stretched outside the building and into the laneway!
Despite its name, the show featured not only rock music, but also some jazz, pop, and metal. The performance was a spectacular showcase for King George’s excellent music program, and every part of it was pulled off amazingly well. The bands had been practising this entire semester, and their work paid off.
Earlier in the day a small matinee performance was held before the local elementary school students of Lord Roberts, Crosstown, and Elsie Roy elementary schools. The matinee performance had a smaller set list and was meant to show off the music program lead by Ms. Pearce. Ms. Pearce’s music class is a popular elective and the matinee performance served to inspire future King George students to pursue music!
Here is a list of the bands that performed:
The Moistyes
The Girls Jam Club
Poke out Your Eyes
Rubber Band
Band 1
Motel Florida
With a Child’s Heart
The KG jazz band.
The performers ranged in age from 13 to 18 and all the bands received tremendous support from friends and family in the audience. The music was complimented by lights and lasers on stage. The show featured a diverse range of genres and musical eras, not to mention volumes! With the first hour comprised of classic rock and punk, the show smoothly transitioned into an intimate and laid-back performance of jazz, contemporary pop, and a MUSE cover band. The final band was Poke Out Your Eyes, which turned up the volume and ended the show with several electrifying metal songs!
The night concluded with the Journey song “Separate Ways” performed as an encore by multiple students. This genre of vintage music has recently found new life in this generation, perhaps due to its inclusion in Season Four of Stranger Things.
Overall, the show was a great experience and a complete success. All proceeds from the ticket sales went towards supporting the KG music program, which hopes to hold an even better show next year thanks to the dedication of Ms. Pearce and the incredible talent of all the King George music students!
King George Rocks 'photos by Matt Sinclair, KG Art/Photography Teacher / Click any image to enlarge)