Believe it or not, the school year is almost over and it's time for another cycle of students to graduate and move on in life. Last year we had a very different type of graduation due to COVID-19, with all of it successfully taking place at King George Secondary School.
With the help of some of his friends, Principal Geoff Taylor brought in cool vintage cars for the class of 2020 to take pictures inside and out. Instead of the usual large gym ceremony, students walked through a school hallway and were greeted outside by their parents, sticking to pandemic protocols.
No decision has been made as yet, but the Stanley Park Pavilion would make a lovely venue for Grad 2021.
But that was last June, and things have changed in the country and the world. Could it be possible to host a small indoor/outdoor graduation? It’s already happening next door in the USA, with graduates participating in big events outside and inside, most of them maskless. While that may be a stretch in B.C. with young people only beginning to get vaccinated, it could still work here with the power of masks.
Grad 2020 was a lot of fun too, in the King George parking lot.
Stanley Park would be the ideal option for this event with the historic Pavilion at Malkin Bowl coming to mind for indoor portions. It's beautiful, has food options, is relatively close to King George, and is transit-accessible with the nearby #19 bus loop.
Many King George graduations have been at the pavilion in the past and it’s likely history may repeat itself.
After conducting a joint campaign, students Dolen Kumpf and Jill Hall have been democratically elected as this years’ Valedictorians. They will give, ‘the speech of a lifetime’ at graduation, wherever it may be (hopefully at the Stanley Park Pavilion). The campaign was effective, with great advertising and eye-catching logos.
Currently, there is no date set for graduation as school districts are awaiting guidance from Provincial Health Officer Doctor Bonnie Henry, but it usually happens near the end of June. Here at The Dragon’s Pen, you can guarantee we will be covering the 2021 King George graduation and post highlights and photos in our July edition.
The province recently announced that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is now available for the 12 to 18 age group, with getting a jab “highly recommended” by provincial health officials. Many of us have been busy booking our shots either online or by phone. This will help get school back to normal and lead to the eventual removal of mask mandates. Here’s some info for teens on what to expect at the vaccine clinics from the B.C. Ministry of Health:
Arrive prepared with your booking info
Wear a short-sleeved shirt and a mask
Arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time
You can bring one person with you for support.
All clinics are wheelchair accessible.
You will be provided a mask if you need one.
At the clinic, you will complete a check-in process, get your shot, and then wait in an observation area for about 15 minutes. No photos or videos at the clinic. You can expect to be at the clinic for 30 to 60 minutes in total. Make sure to get an “I got the shot!” sticker afterward.
In the last couple of editions of The Dragon’s Pen, we have been mentioning the reorganization and remodeling of the King George Archives room near the gym. Volunteers Jess Coomes and Jim Bradbury with help from students have almost completed the massive job.
Bradbury has put many more KG-related items on display, including photos of prominent school alumni, and has added cabinets complete with protective glass. The showstopper is an “organized” desk for Jess, a former and still beloved school staffer.
To show off everyone’s hard work at the KG Archives, I have put together a little video tour which can be found here..