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Haro Street
Gonzalo Lopez de Haro.
In 1885 surveyor L.A. Hamilton named this West End street for Haro Strait, between Vancouver and San Juan islands, which in turn as named in 1790 by Sub-Lieutenant Manuel Quimper of the Spanish navy after his first mate, Gonzalo Lopez de Haro.
They sailed on the Princesa Real, which had been a British vessel called Princess Royal until the Spanish seized it during the so-called “Nootka Crisis” of 1789 to 1790, an international incident and political dispute between the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation, the Spanish Empire, the Great Britain, and the fledgling United States of America, triggered by a series of events that took place during the summer of 1789 at the Spanish outpost Santa Cruz de Nuca, in Nootka Sound. The Spanish crew of the Princesa Real were sailing from Mexico to return the ship to the British and went on a mapping tour, which is when Quimper saw and named the strait.
DESCRIPTION: Intracorp and its developers Forseed Group and CM Partners wish to build a 55 story strata condominium plus a 15 story rental tower over a 42,000 square retail podium on the site between Burrard and Thurlow. They are also offering a 49 space childcare facility in the podium
HISTORY & CONTROVERSIES: This will be Patkau Architects first entry into residential highrise design. They are the folks who brought us the Polygon Gallery (et al) in North Vancouver. The development will cover almost an entire block between Robson and Haro and Thurlow and Burrard,
PRINCIPALS: Owner Intracorp. Developer/s Forseed Group and CM Partners Architects Patkau Architects. Marketing Xxxx.
SPECS: Tall Tower: Height 55 stories / almost 180 meters / 580 feet. Strata 450 units Rentals 0 units Social Housing 0 units
Lower Tower: Height: 15 stories / almost 63 metres / 206 feet Rentals 66 units. Strata 0 units. Social Housing 0 units.
Completion Xxxxx.
55-story tower planned at 1045 Haro Street / Urban YVR / December 14, 2020